A downloadable game


Hello itchers!

This is the first public version of Shoni Island we've released so be gentle! It is a demo that we'll also be releasing at Steam Next Fest (June 10th) and will allow you to play until day 4 (approx 3 hours - repeatable). Until now, the game is woefully undertested so please accept my apologies for any bugs or crashes. If you enjoy the game enough to tolerate said bugs, please head over to our discord and hit us with your complaints and suggestions to help us add some gloss and continue shaping the game. Inspired by WinXP classics Virtual Villagers and Black & White, we've tried to create an experience that is equal parts nostalgic, fun and lol-worthy. Let us know if we came close :)

NB. It is a puzzle game currently without puzzles... I know. I'm working on it.

Discord: https://discord.gg/m7ywxqm8


After their village was sacked by unknown invaders, Chief Barbara and her small coterie of survivors cast themselves out into the open sea on a stolen boat. After several days of drifting, they wash up on an island rich with mysteries, puzzles and mischievous characters who are equal parts helpful and hindering. Adapt to your new environment by setting your villagers to work, breeding and surviving the vagaries of the island.

Expand your settlement by increasing the abilities of your villagers in construction, farming, resource gathering, education, healing and the dark arts of god worship. Ensure you have enough food to stay alive, resources to expand and social time to stave off depression. As you progress through the levels, you will unlock new buildings, forms of entertainment, farming techniques, and more, but keep one eye firmly on the mercurial gods of the island who can bring ruin (or merely mild annoyance) to your settlement if you displease them.

Villagers are each individuals with their own personalities, skills and desires, which can be selectively bred in or out of the gene pool by forcing couple to cohabit and...procreate. Take the time to understand how personalities affect your settlement's strengths and weaknesses but beware of mutations!

As you explore and expand, you will encounter strange monuments and structures that require every neuron your godly, omniscient brain can muster in order to unlock the necessary components to escape the island and its bizarre inhabitants.

Updated 17 days ago
Published 19 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorGolden Horde Studios
GenreSurvival, Puzzle
Tags3D, Cute, Fantasy, Sims 4, Singleplayer, stylized, Top-Down


shoni-island-upload.zip 1.4 GB
Version 2 17 days ago